Thursday, July 10, 2008

and the dog search continues. we've spent countless hours doing doggie research online, looked at hundreds of adoptable dogs online and at rescue shelters, and we've got nothing. we just haven't found the one that "fits". i mean, it's not like a pair of shoes you can try on and then return, or a tank top that you can hang in the closet until next year to see if you like it more then. it's a freakin' living thing, a PET, and it's going to be harder to keep alive than the stinkin' flowers in my front yard.

it's a good thing i don't have to pick out a baby, cause i'd never be able to decide on one.

speaking of babies, i have a really heavy heart for surrogacy. i know, crazy, right? but there are 3 couples at my work who can't have babies. it just breaks my heart. i would love to offer to carry children for them, but after much research, find that i shouldn't do it until i know i'm done having children of my own, and who knows when that will be. but this is not an impulse decision, i've been thinking about it for over a year now and am just making it (semi) public information (other than to my husband). i know it would be terribly hard, but so worth it. so, well, between not getting a dog and not having anyone's baby, i feel pretty free. and not in the way i want to be.

off to look for more dogs.


Nathan and Nikki Hillery said...

Good luck in finding the perfect dog. I can't imagine how hard it would be to find the perfect fit for your family. You're right; luckily the Lord gets to pick your perfect child! Oh the stress that would be!

Anonymous said...

dude. I can't imagine carrying someone else's baby, but I am so proud that you want to/will probably do that someday. What a neat thing.

natalie said...

OH you're that natalie from XANGA that I said hi to a while ago! haha I remember you : ) And I remember the time jolie said she ran into you in real life and got to say hi - how cool! Your wedding pics on your blog look beautiful! It's fun to know another natalie and aaron who got married! haha Take care!