Thursday, October 23, 2008

well, see, i said i would change my signature, and i ended up changing my whole page. i closed my "myspace" page today due to lack of use.

i can't really find the words to describe how i feel right now...frustrated at myself, my dog, my bathtub. the tub won't drain, the dog won't stop biting me, and i won't stop saying things to my husband that i regret 10 seconds later. i really need to do some self-evaluating and figure out what's going on inside of me that's making me so ugly.

i told aaron tonight that i wanted to find a new church. the pastor at the church we've been going to was dismissed last week, and i just feel like it's a good time for us to start our search again. we never really felt connected there, but liked the pastor, so we kept going. i don't like the idea of "church shopping", but i want to find a place where i can get involved in study groups, women's groups, worship team.

tomorrow is friday, and for that, i am grateful. the weekends plan are full of nothing but high school musical 3 and potentially a new church.

i think it will be just what i need.

1 comment:

Nathan and Nikki Hillery said...

I hate trying to find a church! We're kind of at that point right now. It's hard. Good luck!