Thursday, October 8, 2009


Tomorrow, I have been "not pregnant" for the same amount of time that I was pregnant.
10 weeks, 4 days.
The first 10w4d went very quickly. They were days filled with excitement and anticipation and annoucements!
The last 10w4d have crawled by, taking their sweet time. They are days filled with questions and wonder and fear. But they are also days filled with hope and belief.
I feel like I've reached a milestone, and the future excites me.
Thank you for being here.


*Lissa* said...

Hope is a good, good thing!

Michele said...

sending hugs

Sara Joy said...

I'm glad to be here.

Kathy Campbell said...

Sending lots of prayers. I'm glad that it seems like you have hit that spot that will help things get better. You are amazing.

Anonymous said...

So glad that there is a feeling of hope back in your life.

Love said...

hope and belief....keep on, natalie. i'm proud of you.

Bacardi Mama said...

Hope and faith will take you a long way. Saying a special prayer for you.

Erin said...

Your tweet the other night about taking care of the baby makin' business made me smile SO MUCH. I'm so happy for you.

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet. Thanks for your words. I wish we lived closer! I would come hang out with you often :)

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you & Sending you hugs!