Sunday, February 7, 2010

CHD Week

You may remember my friends Kristine and Cora from this post back in December. Sweet Cora died when she was 5 days old from Congenital Heart Disease.

This week, February 7-14, is CHD Awareness week. During this week, we are going to be having a couple giveaways here. Kristine has a whole week of activities planned in Cora's name, and we are going to spread the word! This week is not just about wearing pink ribbons (but I will) and it's not just about giving away goodies (but we will!). It's about honoring sweet Cora, and the other babies, toddlers, teens, and adults who have lost their lives to CHD.

I will be back this week with more information that you can use in your own life and to help educate the people in your life.

This week is about saving lives.

Check back Tuesday, because you are going to want to win the first giveaway!


Bacardi Mama said...

I'll be checking back.

Mendie said...

Thanks for sharing the awareness...I had no idea.

Mommy In Waiting said...

You don't know me, but I have been following your blocg for a while now when you posted on Conceive. I saw your awesome news and I was so happy for you! I nominated you for a blogger award. You can check it out if you get the time. I pray for you daily!

Unknown said...

Thanks for everything you've done this week. I know you've made a difference, people have come to me and told me so! And, for the fifteenth time, you really do have the most amazing family ever.