Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I am thankful for this day. Thankful to God, for new mercies every morning.

For cuddle time with McKinley before coming to work. Thankful that our breastfeeding relationship has been successful. Thankful that she is good baby, who likes to sleep and smile. I am thankful for my husband, who hung a new shower curtain and took out the bathroom trash last night. Thankful that he is quick to forgive. I am thankful for our home and our new furnace. I am thankful that our utilities bill was $70 last month.

I am thankful for my family. For my parents and their generosity, their giving attitudes. I am thankful that they love our daughter. I am thankful for my siblings, who can always make me laugh. For inside jokes, and for the relationship with them. To call them "brother" and "sister" and to be addressed as "sister" in return. I am thankful for aunts who bring food to our home after a trying time, who call to sing you happy birthday every year for 29 years, who take you on their Black Friday shopping trip for 13 years even though you're a neice, not a sister. Thankful for uncles who make me laugh. Thankful for grandparents who give until it hurts, and then give more.

I am thankful for my freedom. For my brother, uncle, grandpa, brothers-in-law, friends and strangers, who fight to allow me the freedom to live in America, to be free, to worship God.

I am thankful for my job. Thankful that I have a job. Thankful that I can bring McKinley to work with me if I need/want to. That I can wear yoga pants. That I can take calls on my cell phone and leave to go to the bank. Thankful for coworkers who drive me crazy because they are like family.

Thankful that I have a car that runs. Thankful for a cell phone that allows me to keep in constant contact with friends, and other moms who support me. Thankful for social media, and for my Twitter friends who answer questions and keep me company at 2, 3, 4, 5 am. I am thankful that I have enough money to stop at Starbucks, and even though they don't fit right, I am thankful for the clothes I have.

I am thankful for all things today, and am trying to have this attitude everyday. I am thankful that you are here.


Type A Nightmare said...

Awe... LOVE! What a wonderful post! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a wonderful post. I love everything about it! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Mimi's Toes said...

Wow, you are one thankful person. I love everything you are thankful for. Great thankful post!

Mendie said...

And I am thankful for you my friend and your many blessings!

Jen said...

I think having that right thankful attitude makes facing each day easier, no matter what it greets us with.


Aunt Jen said...

This is a great post Noodles! I love you and miss you horribly. Life is so busy and sometimes I neglect you and for that I am sorry. You know you mean the world to me.
Your 2nd mother~