My roommate was white, very shy, and is still one of my best friends. A girl down the hall filled my desire for knowing someone who WASN'T WHITE, and then she moved out during Christmas break. Go figure.
I was born in Indiana, moved to Ohio when I was 9, and moved back to Indiana when I was 23. I have stayed in Indiana since then, but hope to one day move back to Ohio. Or possibly Florida, preferrably before retirement.
I would prefer to eat a serving of mashed potatoes rather than a piece of pie. And I do not like cake or cupcakes, just ice cream cake.
I was a vegetarian from age 14-19, eating a lot of rice and pasta. No one else in my family ate the way I did and when they were having pork chops, I was eating grilled cheese sandwiches.
When I went to Toledo, the vegeterian options were limited, so I decided to introduce poultry back into my diet, until one night after one too many Michelob Ultras, I demanded my roommate drive me to McDonalds because I NEEDED A CHEESEBURGER!
I would like to slowly take meat out of my diet again, because I always feel so icky after eating it. I love salad and fruits and vegetables and pasta. I think I could do it, but Aaron doesn't think I can. That alone should make me do it just to prove him wrong.
I got my ears pierced on August 30, 1984, the day my cousin Derrick was born. I was 3 years old. I got them double pierced when I turned 17. I pierced my eyebrow when I was 19, and left it in for about 5 weeks. It was clearly a phase. Then when I was 23, I got my nose pierced. It stayed in for almost 6 months, until I started working at Applebee's and they said "take it out or put a band-aid on it". Um, no. So out it went. And I'd love to get it done again, but husband says no.
I would not consider a tattoo because I don't like pain, and I don't like permanant. I like to be able to change my mind.
I went to Vegas for the first and second time within 4 weeks of each other. Aaron and I announced that we were going there on our honeymoon the same week his brother announced he was getting married there.
I was involved with my church's youth group in and post high school, and was able to go on missions trips to West Virginia, Toronto, and Jamaica, as well as 2 youth conferences in Washington D.C.
I went on "Spring Break" my sophomore year of college to a Days Inn in Detroit, MI. It was just as great as you could imagine. Missions trip, obviously.
My friend Michelle and I slept with our heads at the end of the bed and our feet at the headboard because we were cool and we wanted our roommates to know it. The Days Inn had two different lamp shades and it was great.
I am typing this from a Holiday Inn, nearly 7 years later, and their lamp shades match. Also, I will be sleeping with Aaron, and he will not let me sleep with my feet at the headboard, for sure.
I would like to have children one day, but have realized lately that in making such a huge deal about NOT having them, I'm missing out on the things happening in my life right now. And I think I've scared my eggs into hibernation. So I'm not going to talk about it. Except for right now. But now I'm done.
One day, ONE DAY, I want to go back to school and get my degree in Elementary Education. Once and for all, I will overcome my fear of vomit, and not let it hold me back from doing what I really want to do. And that is teach little kids how to color inside the lines, tie their shoes, wipe their noses, and not vomit on the floor. One day.
This post brought to you by Steph, who asked me to play along and list 16 things about myself that you might not have already known. And now I tag Niks and Aubs to do the same thing
(note: when around Niks and Aubs, I was/am Nats. Now that's 17 things). Won't you, please?
We left our house this morning at 8:00 a.m. to drop off the dog, which cannot be compared to dropping off a child at day care, but I was sad. He seemed to be in doggy delight, but seriously, he's my baby and I was worried about him. They assured me he will be fine.
The drive from Northwest Indiana to Northeast Indiana was a nightmare. Semi-trucks flipped on their side, cars facing the wrong direction on the toll road, traffic backed up for miles. Black ice. Everywhere. So happy to be at our destination. We're paying to stay in a hotel in the town my relatives live in. We love free shampoo.
I have two huge glass containers in my bathroom where I "display" hotel toiletries. I love free shampoo, too.
It's crazy out there! And I have a similar meat and non-meat eating history!
Thanks for playing along!
That's a cute meme.
I just found your blog and thought I would pay you a visit. You have a very nice blog here!
Travel Safe!!
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