Also, I am going to be blogging over at another site, and I am SO.EXCITED. to share this information with you, but I can't, just yet. If you'd like a hint, think pregnancy. And no, I'm not currently! I'm full of surprises and secrets around here tonight!
But, you wanna know what's not a secret? God is in control. While I generally don't post very "religious" things on my blog, my belief that God answers prayer and changes lives is not "religion", it is a relationship I have with the Creator, and He invites me to speak with Him. Today, and tonight, and probably all day tomorrow, my mind will be filled with thoughts and prayers and petitions on behalf of MckMama and Baby Stellan. And I share this with you not to boast of my prayer dedication for this family, but to BOAST OF THE AMAZING POWER OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD. The God who hears our every prayer, who knows the outcome of our prayers before we pray them. The God who knew before the Earth was formed, that on this very day, around the world, His warriors would be joined together to lift up His child. This does not mean that our prayers do not count for anything, simply that the God of the Universe cannot be and is not surprised by the change in Stellan's health.
Let's not let this family down. They are relying on the prayers of faithful friends, and in their time of need, we must all join together and be The Body.
It was really great meeting you last night, too! I'd visited your blog before, but didn't realize you lived in the area. And you know Allyson! I love that girl.
You beat me to it this morning...I was just about to come and say hi and I really enjoyed meeting you last night. I love this post and the look of your blog is so unique...I love it! I hope to see you again soon, for sure in July!
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