As we are all aware, Not Me! Monday was started by MckMama. "I created Not Me! Monday for the purpose of confessing our shortcomings and imperfections to each other since, after all, we are all only human!" (MckMama's words) Every Monday, you can find more "Not Me! Monday" at her site. However, this week, in honor of her and Baby Stellan, we're doing "Not Me! Monday - Stellan Style!"
This week, it's our chance to HONOR MckMama and Stellan with our Not Me! Mondays.
I'll go first, and I hope you'll follow!

This week, I did not stay up late at night, everynight, checking Twitter statuses about Stellan. I was not hiding under the covers with my cell phone, hitting "refresh" every 2 minutes. Because of this, I did not start following other twitter-ers, who twittered (tweeted?) about Stellan.
I also did not post about him on my blog, twice. Stellan did not occupy my thoughts for a majority of the week, and I certainly did not sit at my desk and cry over him on Wednesday .
I absolutely did not LAUGH OUT LOUD at the picture of Small Fy in her swimming goggles, and giggle at the picture of McNugget eating McNuggets!
I did not breathe a sigh of relief when I saw the pictures of Stellan sleeping, and I did not love MckMama a little bit more, when she admitted to us all that she was not pissed. I do not think she is incredibly genuine and real. I do not think she is 1/2 the mom and woman I one day hope to be.
What did you not do this week, in honor of Stellan and MckMama?!
Yay!! It works!! Awesome, Natalie!! Thanks again for hosting NMM this week!
Hugs and Blessings,
Jess :)
~ Praying for Stellan, down on my knees, until he is BETTER!! ~
Love you, little man!
Thank you for motivating me to post this NMM for the first time. I was actually able to be in the top 5. I guess I can officially consider myself a Mckfamily Wolverene
This was my first Not Me! I have always been afraid of Mr. Linky but somehow it worked! Thanks for doing this! I know MckMama will be glad you carried on her tradition. Continuing with prayer....
This is so exciting! I need to go to sleep, but I can NOT stop checking all the Not Me posts! :)
Thanks for posting NMM this week in honor of Stellan!!
I too stayed up a lot waiting on tweets about stellan. I am Praying that he gets better along with you!
God Bless!
Brittne S
What a wonderful thing for you to do!
My post is UP!
I'm in! Thank you for hosting this for MckMama! I know she'll appreciate it. =0)
Oh gosh this was my first time doing Not Me Monday - I hope I didn't butcher this most awesome traditional Monday routine.
You're an angel for doing this, and I am praying intensely for Stellan to pull through.
Analiza Bernat
Thanks for hosting!!! What a great idea. I did not post one last week because of Stellan.
However, this week's seemed so appropriate. And I know that MckMama will be Blessed by all the NMM done in Stellan's honor.
And I made it into the top 20 - never done that before!!!
Thanks for hosting NMM!
I think that this is the first time I made it to the 100 people! ;)
~still praying!
I did not stay up late every night for the last week and check on Stellan.
I did not log on to the computer and check for Stellan updates 60 times a day.
I did not cry out to God this week on behalf of the McFamily.
I did not repent for not having another baby yet and being angry about it when I have a perfectly healthy child running around.
I did not change my Facebook status to I am praying for Stellan with a link to the blog.
I did not promise to not change my status on Facebook until Stellan is home with his whole family where he belongs.
I have not thought about Stellan more than I have myself all week.
Praying for you all! <3
Awesome idea!!!
This is an awesome idea. Stellan has been in my thoughts and prayers all week. I hope mr. linky worked for me.
Thank you so much for doing this!
Thanks so much for hosting the NMM so that we are all able to talk about Stellan and let MckMama know how much we love her.
Thanks for this :) We are praying!
Here's my first NOT ME MONDAY:
I did not cry every day this week about Stellan, or sob one day in particular. No, not me.
I did not allow the circumstances surrounding Stellan’s heart to determine whether my mood was good or bad at any given moment. No, not me.
I did not stand in front of my computer more than I normally do on any given day or click the refresh button countless times throughout each day to find out how Stellan was doing. No, not me.
I did not wrestle with Almighty God concerning my own understanding of WHY, or get angry with him for allowing children to suffer this past week. No, not me.
I did not get extremely frustrated that I don’t know Jennifer or the MckFamily yet have a sincere desire to help them nor did I think it was weird to care so much for strangers. No, not me.
I did not find myself tempted to hop on an airplane to comfort the MckFamily in any way they could use me. No, not me.
I did not feel pissy this week about Stellan more than once. Nope, not me.
I did not feel exhausted with worry about Stellan and MckMama this week. No, not me.
I did not almost skip church and then have the Lord speak directly to me about my lack of understanding and anger about Stellan’s heart through the sermon and I did not leave the service feeling renewed. No, not me.
I did not pray for Stellan more than I prayed for anyone else this week. Nope, I did not.
I did not say in utter frustration on the Sabbath “Damnit, Lord, why won’t you heal him?” to my God this week. No, I did not talk to God like that.
what a beautiful idea!!
This is such a wonderful idea. I really hope that MckMama gets lots of encouragement from all of us that are thinking and praying so hard for Stellan to get better.
No, I did not stand in my kitchen eating my shredded wheat checking on Stellan before I could leave for work. Bless you all!
This was a great idea and my first NMM:)
Yay!! Thanks for doing this:)
I also did not almost obsessively check Mckmama's blog for updates on her sweet boy. And I didn't pray for him uncessingly this week either....not me, no ma'am.
This is awesome! I can completely relate to thinking about Stellan more than anything else this week! My 4 year old had to ask me to make her lunch on Saturday because I was so consumed...then I cried as I made her a sandwich because I am so grateful to be able to do that for her...and I hope that McMama will be able to make a sandwich one day for Stellan. I don't even know these folks but my heart aches for them and will continue to keep our knees dirty in NY. Angie F.
Thank you for doing this! This is the first time that I am attempting to do NMM. And there is no better topic than Stellan Style! Thanks again!
What a great idea! I hope I have time to post mine today!
Such a wonderful idea! I wish I knew about it before I wrote my Not Me's. Stellan and his family have definitely been on my mind and in my heart constantly though.
Great idea, thanks for giving us another way to share our love for Stellan with the world!
Very sweet of you to do this. What a great idea. Glad I could join in
First ever NMN post, in honor of Baby Stellan! Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for doing this :)
In honor of Stellan and MckMama, my post is up! :)
Thanks for connecting us all!
Thanks Natalie for setting this up! It's an awesome idea! I know it will bring a smile to MckMama's face during this difficult time.
Thank you for hosting NMM this week!
Thanks for thinking of this idea!
Thank you so much for hosting NMM this week and for the wonderful idea to do it Stellan STyle. What a wonderful idea to honor our beloved MckMama!!
Thank you for doing this and helping to support MckMama in yet another way!!!
Great idea! Thanks. :)
I am NOT glad you are doing this. Oh wait, I AM!! Thankyou!
Shoot, I wish I would've seen this before I had mine posted. But sweet Stellan is mentioned in mine, so I linked up!
Thank you for doing this. I am NOT grateful. :)
I did it! Also my first NOT ME! Post! Thank you for hosting! Still praying for Stellan and family in SC!!
It worked and THANK YOU for doing this! Praying for Sweet Stellan!
Thank you so much for doing this!
This is my first NMN post!
Praying for the whole family!
God Bless!
This is my very 1st Not Me! post
thanks for allowing me to participate!
My first "Not Me" post! I am praying for those wonderful McK's!!
thanks for hosting during this difficult time for MckMama...
It was such a great idea to do Not Me!Monday Stellan style! It didn't feel right doing it without MckMama but it didn't feel right not doing it at all either! :)
woot I'm finally done with my post!!!!
awesome idea with the NMM, thanks for hosting. i did the normal one last week and actually felt really guilty for doing in since they were in the hospital and all.
i, too, cried about stellen on wednesday. although not only just wednesday..!
Oh, Natalie, thanks so much for doing this! I wish that I'd known about it before 10 pm pacific time!!! I'd already posted a normal Not Me, only with a reminder to pray for Stellan at the time. I'm off to add your link and a longer tribute to Stellan! God Bless You!
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