I remember Mrs. Bright and Aunt Pat, who fought a hard fight. I honor a customer named Carole, and now Lori, a mother from my home town, who I just KNOW is going to beat the cancer! I praised God for sparing the other women in my life who have been so blessed to have "good" exams and mammograms. Remembering Breast Cancer Awareness during October (and all year) has always been (and will continue to be) very important in my life.
But did you know that October is also Baby Loss Awareness Month? I wasn't going to bring it up, but when I read Sara's post today, I know I had to recognize it. Not just for me, but for you. And for you. And also for you.
Whether you lost your baby, or your grandbaby. Your neice, nephew, or sibling. I'm sorry I didn't recognize. I'm sorry I hoped it wasn't real.
But it is. It is very real and very painful and yet, it brings healing.
I haven't decided what I will do on October 15th to honor my baby. In fact, I haven't quite figured out what any of this means.
Unlike Breast Cancer Awareness, which has always been "such a great cause", this awareness is very real to me. There are no extra ribbons on my purse, no magnets on my car.
I wear this ribbon on my heart.
I had no clue, that October was awareness month for baby loss. Thank you for informing me. I too wear this ribbon on my heart, 2 of them to be exact.
I can't believe that after all these years, I never knew about this. Is it something new? I'll have to think about how I will honor my little angel on the 15th. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention
It is real... Sadly, it is real...
We light a candle on the 15th. We light 3 of them and just remember in a special way.
i'm sure you'll find the perfect way to honor your sweet baby. saying a prayer for you right now....
I love this. I can't believe you weren't always my friend. :)
I just commented this to Beth and I mean it for you too - I'd like to hug you. And I don't hug people. Touching. BLECH.
But I'd still like to hug you right now. :)
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