Karen from CapturedStarlight Etsy Shop has kindly donated this beautiful Pink Floral Heart on Resin Pendant on a ball chain necklace for today's giveaway. It is adorable and would make a wonderful gift, or a great accessory to the perfect top!

There are many ways to enter each giveaway this week. Those will be listed below. However, I also want to let you know that for every entry in every contest this week, up to 200 comments, OnceUponACline.com will donate $.50/comment (quick math = $100!) to Cora's family. So now you really have pressure to enter these contests. Everyone wins!
1. Visit Cora's page, and then tell me something you learned about CHD. Anything. Leave a comment.
2. Follow my blog. Leave a comment.
3. Follow Cora's Story. Leave a comment.
4. Follow me on Twitter. Leave a comment.
5. Follow Kristine on Twitter. Leave a comment.
6. Tell your Twitter followers about this giveaway by tweeting:
Win a pink heart necklace from @nataliejanette to support CHD & #Cora! http://bit.ly/cs7sDY
Leave a comment.
7. Become a fan of Cora's Story on Facebook. Leave a comment.
*At this time, there is not a way to enter from Facebook. So come on over here, and leave an annonymous comment if you don't want to register with Blogger. Just leave an email address in your comment. Easy, no??
**I was not compensated for this giveaway. No way.
***Contest open to US residents only. Contest ends Saturday, 2/13, at 9pm, CST. Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure you leave an email address in your comment if you are not logged into a good account.
****I am holding this giveaway because Kristine is my friend and I care about her and about you. Please tell the people in your life about CHD so that no other parent has to learn about it when it's too late. I'm not asking you to follow my blog or my twitter so that I get more followers. It's an easy way for you to make me pay up. That's all.
I left a comment on Cora's page, became a follower of you, and tweeted the giveaway.
I already follow Kristine on Twitter, she is an amazing woman and I was lukcy enough to honor her and Cora on my blog and radio show this week. :)
I follow @kristinebrite on twitter, and think of her, her family, and her Cora, everyday.
I also follow you on twitter. I think you are fantastic for what you are doing to help CHD awareness, and for Cora's family.
I am also a fan of Cora's story on facebook.
Before I read Cora's story, I had no idea I had to ask for my newborn's heart to be tested. I just assumed heart health was one of the tests done on newborns. Thanks to Kristine and Cora, and you and others for spreading the word, I now know to ask for this test for any other babes that come along.
Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful necklace!
I'm following you, I've retweeted the giveaway and I'll be heading over to Cora's story to educate myself. I'm starting from a zero point so every little helps!
I already follow Kristine on twitter and Cora's Story blog. I followed you on twitter and started following your blog. I also retweeted the giveaway.
Before I "met" Kristine I never knew how common CHD's were. I now have a reason that my Lexi went to the NICU for 9 days and was constantly monitored. I now know to ask for a pulse ox the next time around.
# 1-7 are completed... I learned that CHDs are not always detected.
bstewart17@live.com (I'm not sure if it shows my email?)
CHD kills more children than all forms of childhood cancer combined.
Sooooo sad.
I'm a follower of your blog!
I follow you on Twitter
I follow Cora's Story.
I'm a "fan"... I prefer SUPPORTER of Cora's on FB. :)
Thank you so much for helping to raise awareness of CHDs. My little heart warrior is my 7 month old daughter, Cassiana.
email: babycassiana at gmail dot com
I am already following Kristine from one end of the internet to the other, now I am following you on Twitter. ID LisaCurcio.
Tweet Tweet!
LisaCurcio <---twitter ID
I follow your blog.
CHD kills more children than all forms of childhood cancer combined, and that is so sad! :(
Currently no one test can find all forms of CHD. hopefully they can find something soon.
I follow your blog.
I follow Cora's Story.
I follow you on twitter.
I follow Kristine on twitter.
I tweeted here http://twitter.com/lovinmylifeblog/status/9076025523
I am a fan on facebook.
I think I commented on the fact that CHD affects 1 in 100 babies before, but I'm so totally in awe of that fact that I have to comment on it again.
I'm following your awesome blog!
Following Cora's Story.
Twitter follower of you!
Kristine Twitter follower!
Cora's Story Facebook fan!
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