In the spirit of the season, when we all talk about giving to others, I present you with an opportunity, a challenge.
I have a dear friend who I want to help, to make her Christmas a little easier, better, brighter. I won't name names (because she doesn't know I'm doing this), but I want to help her. I want US to help her.
From now until the end of November, I am donating ALL PROCEEDS of all Scentsy sales generated from this project to this sweet friend. Chances are, if you've been around here a while, you know this friend, and love her as I do.
I would love to talk with you about the Scentsy system. There are so many reasons I love the Scentsy products, and I think if you give them a try, you will to. Email me and we can chat. Back to the project...
To place an order for this project, please take a look around my website, then email me at nataliejcline (at) yahoo (dot) com. The order will be shipped straight to your home, and you'll know that you've played a role in making someone's Christmas a little bit brighter.
If you have friends or family members who would enjoy the Scentsy product, please pass this information on.
I know funds are tight this time of year for us all. I just feel that I've been given the opportunity to use my business to bless a friend, and all I'm asking for a is a little help.
The Internet has opened the door for some amazing friendships, and I am so thankful for the wonderful people who've become my friends because of it. Now, I'm paying it forward.
Additionally, everyone who places an order will have their name entered in a drawing for a $10 Scentsy giftcard. If you're not in a place to give, please leave a comment on this post about something you plan to do this Christmas season to make a difference in someone's life. Your comment will earn you an entry in the giftcard drawing.
**All proceeds from sales generated from this blog post will be donated to one of my friends, to make her Christmas brighter. If you would like to know who this person is prior to making a purchase, please contact me at nataliejcline (at) yahoo (dot) com. In the interest of keeping things fun, I will ask you to keep the information I provide you confidential. For your purchase to apply to this cause, you must email me your order by 6:00 pm, November 30, 2010. Thank you so very much. Merry Christmas.
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