Saturday, October 27, 2012

Accent Vlog Proposal

Hi friends. I have an idea that I want to propose to you and I hope you'll play along. I saw a video on Facebook of one of my friends whom I've never met in real life, nor talked to on the phone. I loved hearing her voice and now when I read her tweets, I feel like I can hear her saying them.

Soo, how about you record yourself and upload the video to YouTube and then come here and post a link to your video? Then everyone who wants to know what you sound like when you talk {tweet!} can come here and watch your video! Sound good?

"What do we talk about in our video?", you ask? That's a fantastic question! Last year, Stephanie at Adventures In Babywearing posted an Accent Vlog that I loved and have been meaning to record an accent vlog of my own ever since. 

The directions:

Say the following words:
Aunt, route, wash, oil, theatre, iron, salmon, caramel, fire, water, sure, data, ruin, crayon, toilet, New Orleans, pecan, both, again, probably, spitting image, Alabama, lawyer, coupon, mayonnaise, syrup, pajamas, caught.

And answer the following questions:
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is the bug that curls into a ball when you touch it?
What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you say to address a group of people?
What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
What is the thing you use to change the TV channel?

Anything else you want to add in is great! But this is a good way to start. I'm excited and I hope that you'll join me.  I'll post a linky next week and you can join anytime.  Record a video on your phone, upload to YouTube, and come on over!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


{I've been itching to get back here but didn't know where to start. Today is good, right?}

Cut up strawberries, bits of {homemade. TOOT TOOT my own horn.} pancake, and honey nut o's scatter the floor under highchairs and booster seats. My un-socked feet pull with each step - honey nut o's are sticky. I just need to sweep real quick, then we'll read a book.

"Mama, help", she says. Pink broom in hand, she is sweeping up the crumbs from our morning feast and my scattered thoughts.

I wanted this to just be a quick sweep, 30 seconds at most. I stop myself from being frustrated, put down my broom, and sit on the floor so I can help her handle her broom. Because "mama, help" actually meant "mama, teach" and I pray for the teachable moments so why would I let this one slip through my fingers.

She sweeps a pile together, we work as a team to get it all in to the dustpan. On the way to the "tash", she dumps it on the floor. "Uh oh, Kiki" she says. I reassure her that it is okay, we will just sweep it up again. She is pleased with her work, making sure all of the crumbs get into the "tash" on the second attempt.

We wash our hands (because broom handles and dustpans have germs) and she runs off to play with her friend Caleb.

My eyes are slowly being opened. These are the moments I've prayed for.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Loose Ends

I said about a week and a half ago that I was going to post a vlog. Then our computer with the webcam had to go to the doctor and we just got it back. I could've used my iPhone, but, meh. I will work on it soon.

McKinley is growing and talking and running and I am having so much fun with her. She is truly the light of my life. She is still nursing, and as my grandma says, it provides her more "soul food" than nutrition at this point, although I believe she's still reaping the benefits of nursing.

I never thought that we would still be going strong. Honestly, when I received the samples of formula in the mail during my pregnancy, I held on to them. I wasn't committed to breastfeeding past 6 months until she was born and we developed a great nursing relationship. I know that we were very fortunate to not have any bumps in the road. While I would have cut anything out of my diet for her, I'm not sure we would have lasted past 12 months if I would have had a super restricted diet.

Now, I feel very emotional about the thought of her weaning. Some days, I think I'm ready. Other days, I think of how she is likely the only baby I will ever nurse, and then I don't want to even think about stopping.

It was not my intention for this post to just be about our nursing relationship. But now I have to go, and, um. Sorry.

Oh, I had a dream last night that it was time for the Spring Time Change again and it stayed light out until 6pm instead of 5pm. So if we could just go ahead and make that happen right now, that'd be great.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Thanks to Mariah for my new blog design!  I gave her a couple of ideas and a color scheme and she ran with it.  I love it!

Watch for a vlog later this week... I'm feeling brave!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


My to-do list is long. Bedding needs washed, floors need swept, the bathrooms need cleaned, someone should buy some groceries, and my baby needs to have her baby clothes switched out for toddler clothes. Of course, the clothes swapping is my favorite and least favorite of my chores to do. My favorite because I love to introduce new, cute clothes to her wardrobe, and the least favorite because my baby isn't such a baby. When I consider that she could be an only child, I find myself hanging on to every stage a little bit longer than she does.

Oh, the dishwasher needs unloaded and reloaded, and the previous load that is drying on the counter needs put away. And the crockpot sitting off to the side of the sink has a ring of leftover (burnt) chili that I just can't scrub away. The counter must feel overwhelmed just like I do.

But as I was listening to the Today Show yesterday, while nursing McKinley in our special chair, I heard Hoda (or Kathie Lee, not sure) say "Be Here Now". Whatever you're doing, whoever you're with, Be Here Now. So, I let that sit all day, in my mind and on my heart.

I played some dolls and read a couple of books, and had extra tickle time. And it was hard, but I put my phone down.

I'm going to print out some signs and hang them around my house. I might get all fancy and pinterest-y and make them look pretty, or I might print them out in Comic Sans* and just hang them. The sign isn't important - the words are.

Be Here Now.

*I would never.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back at it.

I wonder how long I can do this. Up every hour, maybe two, through the night. The squeaky glider. Closing the door behind me, then opening to double check on her.

I’m tired. I know that parents are supposed to be tired, but McKinley just doesn’t sleep well alone. Some nights she ends up in our bed. Ok, most nights.

I won’t let her cry, even if everyone says she’s playing me. I did for one night, and yes, after 7 minutes she went back to sleep. But until she can tell me what her cries mean, why should I ignore them? Maybe she has nightmares. Maybe her mattress is uncomfortable. Maybe she has a belly ache. I don’t like to sleep alone, so I’m not sure why I make her.

The monitor lights up, I hear her little cry. Grab my glasses and my phone (Thank you, God, for smart phones), and I rescue her. When she cries out, I come to her. Gosh, I’m thankful to know what that feels like.

The days (and nights) are so long. But the years. They are flying by. Soon, this will be a memory. And as odd as it sounds, I don’t want to forget.