And even though he tried to hide it, I could tell my husband was really worried about me. Even though I didn't want him to worry, it meant so much to me. I know the he cares, but it was a special concern that he usually doesn't show.
I'm so glad to be okay, and I'm so glad for the friends and family who are my support system.
I will leave you with this pleasant message - get an exam every year ladies, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel. It is totally worth it.
Amen sista! ;) I do my yearly no matter what, and my doc is an OLD man! AHHHHH! LOL.
I was diagnosed with HPV a few years ago! I know how scary it can be!!! But, fortunately, my HPV has since disappeared. :D YAY!
Natalie I'm so glad!!!! That's great news :)
Great News! I bet you were scared. Thanks for reminding me, I need to call to schedule my exam. I tried to ignore it this year but you made me realize the importance of it.
Amen! My mom always says, "But I'm a perfectly healthy woman...I don't need one this year." To which I respond, "That is what everyone says right before they die of cancer Mom." In a love way of course. I'm glad everything is okay! Have you checked out "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by the way??? It is sooooo good.
Oh my, I had a scare like that a few years back. Glad everything is okay now!
It is so important! I have not missed a year since I was 18, and I had a scare this year. Everything turned out fine, but I was definitely concerned and glad that I kept up with exams.
Glad to hear you're okay! My little sister is going in for a biopsy next week because her annual came back abnormal. She's only 26.
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