*Sidenote – My stomach gets very hard sometimes. I learned last night, while hooked up to pink and blue, that these are actually contractions. Ha. How about that?
My little one may be a lot like her father, and if you know Aaron, then this will make more sense to you. For very long periods of time, he runs at about 78 miles per hour and he doesn’t ever stop until bed time. But then he is STILL. For a 28-year-old man who I can see, this is fine. For a 34-week-old princess whose presence is only known by her movements, I got freaked out. But don’t worry. She’s fine.
At my regularly scheduled OB appointment last night, it was suggested that I have a Non-Stress Test done due to her lack of movement during the day. I had a small 75 minute taste of what it might be like to be in the hospital. Which was scary but exciting. Outside the door, I heard a dad on the phone, emotion in his voice, repeating over and over "It's a girl!". I was teary just listening to him. She didn't have a name yet, but she was beautiful. I mean, that's what he said. I didn't actually see her. That would have been weird.
Being there, listening to the lullaby play twice during that time, it made me anxious and excited. I can't wait to meet my daughter.
{I didn't get home until almost 9pm, BUT I got ice chips. The night was not a total loss.}