i don't have adequate words for the feelings i experience every time i look at our daughter.
has it been one month already?

the only postpartum depression i've experienced is knowing that i have to go back to work. i'm not making light of postpartum depression, i'm being serious. i can't stand that i have to go to work and be away from my best girlfriend. we have a pretty good deal, though, and she'll be able to go to work with me for the first couple weeks i'm back. then daddy will be home with her during the winter because his job is seasonal. when he goes back to work in march, we'll have to figure something out, but i can't live in anticipation of that time. i have to enjoy this time, and be thankful for this day.
i should probably write out her birth story so i don't forget any details. and i need to tell you the story behind her name. but for now, i want to look at her while she sleeps on my lap. and i need to go fill up my cookie bowl.

All I can say...is THANK YOU! Mimi
how sweet...she is growing up so quickly. I'm glad you are enjoying your time with her....and I hope the next month goes slow!
She is beautiful!!!! (and looks so much like her Mommy!) Congrats and try to enjoy the moment instead of thinking about the doom of work coming. I know it's hard but it will all work out!!!!
She looks like a very happy baby. :) You're right, enjoy each moment now; God will answer your prayers in time. :)
Can you believe how quickly it goes?
awww! so sweet! You look great!!
I'd LOVE to hear the birth story and the story behind her name!!
I want to nom her up. Wish I could meet her in person!!
She's too much, Natalie!!! So glad you get her. :)
She is so beautiful! Soak up every second of your baby bliss. I can't wait to meet her. And I can't wait to hear her name story.
time flies it's so crazy! She's so adorable!
What a doll! Her cheeks are so sweet. I don't know what I'll do if this next baby doesn't have chubby cheeks that I can kiss on all day! I hope to meet her someday. In a couple months we could have a baby date! :)
She is so adorable.
She is precious! Enjoy every minute. My post for today is about my liitle boy growing up! Sigh!
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