Monday, September 21, 2009

Weekend Pt. 1

This weekend, I had lots of fun and lots of opportunities to take some photos. On Friday night, Dory danced at the local high school football game. I don't really do well with action shots, so you can't see them.

On Saturday morning, I went to Crush's soccer game. I took my camera, but please refer to paragraph one.

Dory and I spent a couple hours together, taking pictures and laughing about things that are funny to a 9 year-old. We had such a sweet time together.

We went to a nearby park, and saw lots of amazing flowers, which I had to capture.

And then we saw a butterfly.

After the awful dreams I've been having, I needed that butterfly.
Oh, I needed that butterfly.


Jarmaine | Brochure Printing said...

Those are amazing photographs. Especially the ones of Dory :) It's great you got the chance to spend quality time with her.
The flowers are wonderful, but I don't know how you managed to capture that butterfly! So nice :)

Mendie said...

Great pictures! Glad you saw the's nice to see something that lifts your spirits!

Mom said...

Oh, the pictures are beautiful. Find a picture of Grandma Sondra at that age - they look alike. Which in turn means she looks like me, and then you!

I love the butterfly and I loved spending time with you. It is just what I needed.

Sara Joy said...

Butterflies are...special, yes? The pictures are beautiful Natalie, just lovely. :)

Kathy Campbell said...

Beautiful photos! I am also so glad that you wereble to find something to lift your spirits when you needed it.

aubri said...

How do you make the mini-collages?? And, how do you get the borders to appear on your pictures - like the one of her looking over the bridge?? Share your knowledge, girl! :)

Flowers said...

nice blog with nice pictures. enjoyed going through your blog. keep it up the good work.