Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's been a long, hard week.

My uncle is gone.

More than just my uncle. My dad's best friend. My grandparents baby. My aunt's husband. A man who started a tradition in our town that has turned into the biggest event in the history of our 200 person community. A "reunion" for every class, from every school, for every person. When a village of 186 people turns into a party for 1200. A big party, where we play wiffleball and talk about the past year, and forget our troubles for two days.

He started it. 20 years ago. As a 21 year old man, boy. A vision, a dream, that became a reality.

We watched a slideshow of the past 41 years today. There were pictures of him as a baby, a teen, at his wedding. But the pictures that I love, that show me who he was and what made him happy? They were the pictures from this one particular weekend. He smiled. A real smile.

This one particular weekend? It's in August.

This year, our family, our community, will mourn the loss of my uncle during this festival. At all times, we will miss him, we will grieve, but this weekend, this one particular weekend, will be hard. Very hard.

And yet. I feel that God, in His infinite wisdom, knew that my family would need joy in August. He knew we would have loved joy in February, but we'll need joy in August. Oh yes, we will need joy.

And we will have it.

Even though it will be missing an uncle, a friend, a brother, a husband, a son. We will have joy.

She will be our joy.

(She already is.)


Corrina said...

I have gone through difficult seasons during each of my three pregnancies. And in those moments, I was so thankful for the gift of pregnancy, to give me something to look forward to, to thank God for that blessing in the midst of hard circumstances.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your uncle. He sounds like an incredible man who has left a huge mark. May God's peace comfort you.

kaitlin johnston said...

God has a plan .. always :) *hugs*

Aunt Jen said...

You are an amazing writer, I am jealous :)

I love you, I love your husband, I loved your uncle.

I'm sorry for your loss.

junebug said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. ((Hugs))

Hyacynth said...

I am so sorry for your family's great loss. Praying for healing, friend. Andthanking God for your great joy, too. She will be comfort in the midst of loss.

Bacardi Mama said...

My sympathy to you and your family.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I'm so sorry, Natalie. He sounds like a wonderful man and someone that will always be remembered.


Kathy Campbell said...

I am so sorry for your loss. These tears are for your missing family member and my heart is full for the joy that will give your family peace.

Mimi's Toes said...

I am very sorry for your loss but you are so right, even though nothing could ever take the place of your precious uncle, there will be Joy in August and I think that would be a great name...hint hint.

Anonymous said...

Natalie - that was beautiful. Thanks for writing that. Jackman loved it. I love you. Thanks for being there for us. Mom

Mendie said...

So sorry for your loss, I know he is so proud of the community event he helped create and what a showing of love to honor him at that.

Keeping all of your famliy in my thoughts and prayers Natalie. hugs.