Saturday, May 29, 2010

I just don't know.

you keep coming here, probably to check to see how we're doing. i don't check my stats really ever, but i was curious. and it lifted my spirit, for this moment in time.

for an update? a story? reassurance? i don't know why i come here sometimes.

the update? we'll be okay.

the story? my father-in-law passed away of natural causes. his body was tired and his soul was weary. but we believe that his body has been made new and his soul is dancing before Jesus. there will always be a void in my husband's life, in our lives, because he is gone. BUT WE BELIEVE. we believe that the Bible is the word of God, and that God is who He says He is, and when we add 1 + 1, we get eternity. it's just that simple.

reassurance? we'll be okay. we have to. WE HAVE TO.

because we have a daughter joining our family sometime in the next 10-ish weeks and we just have to be okay. she will help us be okay.

i believe that God is who He says He is. i believe that he heals our broken hearts and makes it possible for us to press on each day, putting one foot in front of the other. i believe that He gives strength to the weary, and i'm praying each moment of each day that He is giving strength to my husband.


Missy and JP said...

So sorry for your family's loss, especially Aaron losing his Father just as he is about to become one himself! I'm sure you guys are holding each other and will get through each new day together....I'm glad you're allowing yourselves to grieve and trusting in your Heavenly Father and His promises. Love you lots and can't wait to see that baby girl!


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Yes, I believe this, too. Many hugs.


Bacardi Mama said...

I believe this too. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May has not been good to you this year. You do have that sweet, beautiful little girl coming soon to help you feel better.

Unknown said...

My heart breaks. She's on her way. Hope is coming. <3

Anonymous said...

I agree....and nobody is more ready for that baby than me!
It hurts me to see you and Aaron in such pain. I'm sorry. That comes from the bottom of my heart. Love, Mom/Ma

Melissa said...

you are a strong, courageous, tender & loving wife, mother, woman & daughter of the King. my heart aches, breaks & cries for you, Aaron & Tiny Dancer. I know that God is good, all the time. That "This too shall pass". Love you girl, take care of yourself.

Sara Joy said...

Believing doesn't make it easy, just gives us a reason to hope, and an assurance of what is to come.
I'm still here, sure has been a rocky road to August, hasn't it? God's peace to you my friend.

Mendie said...

Wrap yourselves in that strength. That and the love you have for each other and your little one will help each day a little bit easier. Sorry again for your's a pain I know all too well. Hugs to you both.

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My father died several years ago and it's such a difficult thing to go through as an adult.

Sending you prayers and hugs. PS - Love the blog name since Cline is my maiden name!